Saturday, 10 October 2009
4 points and very little else
I cannot recall the last opening game of the HC I didnt attend..The virgin voyage to Stradey in 2001 with a bull dozing Chris Yates and Jason Little playing his socks off at 10 remain up there in the memory bank; it was a "I was there" day and night.
Really the title says it all. I didnt wait for the stats but so little ball in hand,so much static play and so little urgency until the last 10 minutes until the introduction of Mr Hazell(local lad). An impressive first and only salvo from Jonny May as well , he looks a prospect with young Charlie Sharples.
Those better placed than me need and will comment as to the forward deficiencies. Coaching,confidence,technique will all be up there I am sure. Grasping at straws,missing Narraway,Bortolami,EFS,Tindall,Morgan,Azam,Spencer,Nick Wood is a big ask of a small squad but would they play any better?
IMO, Robinson is a hot and cold player. The return of Spencer,maybe at 12 cannot come soonest but I admire Robinson's committment to the cause if not his first up tackling.
I see another local lad closed out a game last night on a slightly bigger stage.
A trip to Biarritz is next; i doubt if the locals or the local Glos popualtion of badgers will be shaking in their boots but bon yoyage nonetheless
i-pod latest
Talk Talk were a British musical group that were active from 1981 to 1991. The group had a string of international hit singles including; "Today", "Talk Talk", "It's My Life", "Such a Shame", "Dum Dum Girl", "Life's What You Make It" and "Living in Another World".
If ever one man's voice was as closely associated with the meaning of his band,then it was Mark Hollis'. Living now as a recluse away from the popularlistic vultures of the modern world,I would urge anyone not yet frequented with this voice to do so and enjoy.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
All things GRFC
Another eventful few days in the soap that is GRFC....Noises, familar noises had been coming out all week..defiance, upbeat,putting mistakes right, all the talk of the town. Apparantly a tough training session ensued and 2 forward internationals became injured in an already small squad. Smart.
Attention turned to the appalling surroundings of Vicrage Road and a pretty appalling match by all accounts. Losing bonus point, chance of the draw,maybe chance of a win if NRobinson had pinned his ears back that extra yard. Oh and the usual GRFC citing/GBH incident concerning our french hooker Ollie Azam. One feels the hourly medical bulletins of the English captain over the news media since Sunday are slightly over the top.
But like a phoenix from the ashes, Australia are in town to play a Gloucester XV before their Grand Slam attempt in november. Great news for all concerned and I shall be trotting down to the club post haste once tickets have been allocated
Genghis Khan politics...
There will be sadly a lot more of that over the next 10 years
Monday, 21 September 2009
Me and REM
On October 27th, R.E.M. will be releasing Live At The Olympia, a 39-song, two CD set containing "working rehearsals" from 2007. Taken from five nights of live "tests" at the Dublin venue and culminating in the group's 2007 Accelerate album, this is no ordinary recording. Aside from live versions from Acelerate, the majority of songs are
from 1982-1988 IRS days . In their full glory the album consists as follows
1 Living Well is the Best Revenge
2 Second Guessing
3 Letter Never Sent
4 Staring Down the Barrel of the Middle Distance
5 Disturbance at the Heron House
6 Mr. Richards
7 Houston
8 New Test Leper
9 Cuyahoga
10 Electrolite
11 Man-Sized Wreath
12 So. Central Rain
13 On The Fly
14 Maps and Legends
15 Sitting Still
16 Driver 8
17 Horse to Water
18 I'm Gonna DJ
19 Circus Envy
20 These Days
21 Drive
22 Feeling Gravitys Pull
23 Until the Day is Done
24 Accelerate
25 Auctioneer
26 Little America
27 1,000,000
28 Disguised
29 The Worst Joke Ever
30 Welcome to the Occupation
31 Carnival of Sorts
32 Harborcoat
33 Wolves, Lower
34 I've Been High
35 Kohoutek
36 West of the Fields
37 Pretty Persuasion
38 Romance
39 Gardening at Night
My best man to be introduced me to REM in 1991. I was 20, never really into music although by then U2 were on my radar, mainly due to the Joshua Tree.
I caught a couple of snippets on TV of a rock journalist called Dave Fanning talking to REM and there studio recordings of 2 songs from their forthcoming album. One of these songs as I later found out was Losing My Religion.
I was hooked, I wore out the video tape listening to these recordings and the rest was history. 9 years later their song At My Most Beautiful was the first dance at my wedding. Better than Shiny Happy People I guess?
One of the joys of finding a band like REM was history. Discovering the 6 albums already recorded, live versions in front of 50 people,singles collections and then watching that grow before my eyes over several live concerts throughout my 20's and 30's into the largest band in the world. Accelerate was a welcome return to form,IRS years all over again. I probably have all those above versions somewhere already. It dont matter. They are now to be safley on one recording in 5 weeks and counting.


Gloucester Quays

We initially drifted over after the poorly organised GRFC open day for which questions should be asked around a table. To avoid the throngs, we then returned at 5 of the cloakings the following Saturday. Yes the aisles were bare but it gave us a chance to look at our own pace without interruption nor crush! Its a solid spectacle,one which Glos folk should be proud of in a vain attempt to appeal to the ABC! golden generation of credit card holders. Spacious,we designed ,clean,it puts the pitiful slum of the city centre to shame.
Take away the layers and some concerns. Prices range from the sublime to the ridiculous and the actual choices of garment are a little predictable and one dimensional. To have no real food or wine choice of beverage from the outset is poor. Elder generations tell me there is no where to sit down?! I would have thought the essential life supplies of sport shops,mobile phone operators and ELC's would be bearing down fairly quickly. It deserves support although at this stage the number of appealing units for this household can be counted on one hand
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Happy Holidays

In a few hours time, the McGill extended clan will venture forth to the sunny climate of the Algarve,in a villa for 10. Thoroughly looking forward to it although the prospect of a 230am wake up bomb is not the best way to start ones summer break. To offset this nagging sore,there is the beautiful holiday task of choosing one's reading companions for the poolside hours.
I have yet to say much on my reading habits but they are considerable but sadly infrequent. To pick a series of books pretty much likely to last 7 days but not to number more sexy bikinis than Lisa is taking and therefore exceed the 20kg is allowance is a headache. I have settled on 3.
You have to take a new one.One you have had your eye on for a while but never quite got round to.Step forward this year The Assassination of Robert Maxwell...clue pretty much in the title.Then 2 old favourites that havent had an airing for a while..All The Presidents Men,Bernstein and Woodward,a fantastic book that would have been a top work of thriller fiction if it hadnt been just so damn accurate and factually compelling. Then step forward

If you have never heard of JKJ let alone read Three Men in a Boat,you generally havent lived. Written in 1889 it contains a comic storytelling genius seldom repeated in the modern world. I generally laugh bellyache style when I pick up,it contains paragraphs and pages of modern wit and merriment that you cannot comprehend are over 120 years old. This holiday however,I am clutching the follow up,Three Men On The Bummel.Classic comedy in the Black Forest including a passage where of unknown unaccompanied solo tandem bike riding that is the funniest thing I have ever read.
That early start already is a bit more attractive.
I shall return fully refreshed and with blog thinking coming out of my ears so be warned.
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Guildhall Part 2 Jo and Demitris

A man like me does not make the same mistake twice,so we settled for a comfy table for 2 , about 30 yards back right and a plain light purple number to deflect any attention. The wife looked gorgeous as well.
Opening act was a strangish fellow Demitris Deek. An impresive array of comedians including the superb Stewart Lee are listed on his my space blog, and I hope he can get some lessons first. Yes it was a preview night but rather disconcerting that he kept referring to his notes...Frank Skinner he aint but some promising material, needs to increase his stage presence and stop mumbling. Likeable but not main act material yet.
This honour was left to Jo Caulified who didnt disappoint. Fair happier in the limelight, dare I say that some of her male counterparts dont allow her on the shows I watch, she flowed freely as the Becks was doing, and provoked tears of laughter from Mrs McGill, particularly when ripping into us men. Fair game I suppose but also some good topical material, local banter,audience interaction and plain old fashion jokes rounded off an excellent evening.
We hope to be back again to our new found venue favourite.
Gloucester Carnival

Thursday, 9 July 2009
The Guildhall Experience

Wednesday, 1 July 2009
Death in the family
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Me and my i-pod

Raikes and lions

Thursday, 25 June 2009

1. Has a decent River(Nidd) running through it
2. Medieval town in which in 1644 Oliver Cromwell forces beat the crap out of it(some might say certain portions have never been replaced)
3. S and I just missed the annual bed race where up to 50 beds race through the town and river with people pushing of course. This year I was told that OO7 himself, who is a local resident ,took part but I suspect an urban myth in the making.
4. Poor relation to Harrogate
5.My taxi driver intimated that all locals have 11 fingers (given he was from Nottingham where most locals have less than 8 fingers due to the crime rate) i thought that was a bit rich
An enjoyable trip although not compounded by the first hand experience of Cross Country trains new at your seat trolley experience.
Why would they do that?
In the 21st century we have sadly returned to a lumbering trolley (and pusher) coming through the train with warm sandwiches,cash only,exact change only luv and crashing into the nearest unsuspecting leg,bag,small child,household pet that it sees. Passing is impossible in that you rise from your seat at Newcastle to empty your bladder and you might just get there by Exeter if your lucky.
I am told people spend more at their seats rather than walk on up to the buffet car (only if they have a 10p,5p,and 4 x 1ps i guess) For me the buffet car was an excellent place to
1. Get away from the person opposite you
2.Have a look a the local scenery, if you know what i am saying
3.Have a decent conversation with the host
Lets hope common sense prevails
Glastonbury.Yes.No.Maybe (Not)

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Twenty/20 Vision
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Richie Benaud

Granted it was on the Daily Mail website but that aside, all my personal favourites were there...Alliss,Barry Davies, sadly departed Reg Gutteridge and rightly so ,the top man,numero uno,Richie Benaud. A man who just let the pictures say the words until the wisest and most astute of words were required. Confectionery stalls all over England lit up in 1981 following yet another Botham six and a Benaudism that was probably never bettered. Of the new crop ,it was good to see Mike Atherton in there,he has a sharp eye for detail and an even sharper mouth for saying what really needs saying at times.
Tomorrow morning will see me rise at six of the cloakings for a new destination of Knaresborough i shall be travelling via my usual mode of cross country train and report back soonest
Monday, 15 June 2009

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Monday, 8 June 2009
Demise of the Red Rose

I then became hooked on the New Labour Project. It came to symbolize all I stood and wanted for in a modern Britain. I read everything I could. Ideological policies and the real Third Way in politics. This was a natural extension from the 92 Democrats and everything the men in grey suits of the Tory 90's stood against which was fine by me. I welcomed every faux pas they committed, every scandal, every aspect of sleaze; back to basics was coming home.
The Blair,Brown,Campbell but particularly Mandleson combination represented everything I thought I stood for. A week in Benidorm was once made much easier reading Donald Macintyre's brilliant book on the latter.
So to see the project at its knees is a massive shift in time for me. Brown for his abilities,passion,intellect,his virtues in a poisoned society just doesn't seem to be working. He is set upon by the media principally because he is not media savvy ; this fact makes the heart sink that one notch lower.
Why has it gone wrong? Trends. People become tired of the same record. They seek change without knowing exactly what change is. David Cameron's Conservatives, to give them there full ballot paper name, are the perfect example. Voters vote for what they believe is right rather than what they believe in.
I once lived in a small mining village in Sheffield. If a man in a gorilla suit was the local Labour candidate then people would have voted for him because its all they knew. Now, if same man,same gorilla suit turned up with same red rose he would be lynched as though the local paedophille was in town. Why? its still the same guy in the gorilla suit.......
I suspect we will push onto the conference season; will the collective will of cabinet hold? I wish Gordon well; he's a decent guy and for the record one of 13 prime ministers that went onto hold the post with their party being in power but without being subject to a general election. Unlucky 13 maybe.
Easy As ABC

Well,I have never followed Sheffield crooners, ABC,despite spending 7 years in the fair city. Instead the worthy suspects of Aerosmith and the Adams boys (Bryan and Ryan) claim the top spots but they have to bow to 80s icon Adam Ant.
Looking through said CD, it took me back to my virgin vinyl days where at the ripe age of 10 I distinctly remember walking to Woolworths on Eastgate Street and purchasing with my some of your finest english green pound notes my first ever 33, Kings of the Wild Frontier.
For those with no knowledge of who I am talking about, Adam Ant cut a dashing, eccentric,pop ideal supreme who could write a song or 2. His latter days under the 1983 Mental Health Act should not diminish his talent and I believe a comeback of sorts with the Kaiser Chiefs is in the offing. Me thinks that says more about them than him
My latter taste in music will of course make up many future blogs but in the interim more pressing concern; 10cc......T or miscellaneous
Thursday, 4 June 2009
In the beginning....
Local /European Elections to be dominated by single issue independent parties
An Englishman becoming Scotland rugby coach
Impending collison course with a leader of North Korea that Gerry and Sylvia Anderson could not have created any more life like
No,a bunch of loonies,has beens,have nots entering a TV studio house in the name of entertainment and more worringly, those than watch it being drawn into an event which ultimately registers 0.0001 on the reichter scale of life
Thank you Big Brother,I have now found the world of blogs,the sacred cow of independence and hopefully an entertainig half hour hewre and there.
Welcome to my world,enjoy the ride