In a few hours time, the McGill extended clan will venture forth to the sunny climate of the Algarve,in a villa for 10. Thoroughly looking forward to it although the prospect of a 230am wake up bomb is not the best way to start ones summer break. To offset this nagging sore,there is the beautiful holiday task of choosing one's reading companions for the poolside hours.
I have yet to say much on my reading habits but they are considerable but sadly infrequent. To pick a series of books pretty much likely to last 7 days but not to number more sexy bikinis than Lisa is taking and therefore exceed the 20kg is allowance is a headache. I have settled on 3.
You have to take a new one.One you have had your eye on for a while but never quite got round to.Step forward this year The Assassination of Robert Maxwell...clue pretty much in the title.Then 2 old favourites that havent had an airing for a while..All The Presidents Men,Bernstein and Woodward,a fantastic book that would have been a top work of thriller fiction if it hadnt been just so damn accurate and factually compelling. Then step forward

If you have never heard of JKJ let alone read Three Men in a Boat,you generally havent lived. Written in 1889 it contains a comic storytelling genius seldom repeated in the modern world. I generally laugh bellyache style when I pick up,it contains paragraphs and pages of modern wit and merriment that you cannot comprehend are over 120 years old. This holiday however,I am clutching the follow up,Three Men On The Bummel.Classic comedy in the Black Forest including a passage where of unknown unaccompanied solo tandem bike riding that is the funniest thing I have ever read.
That early start already is a bit more attractive.
I shall return fully refreshed and with blog thinking coming out of my ears so be warned.
I hope you keep the blog going, chief. Was looking forward to reading your rugby bits. Martin.