Ok. My political thoughts need an early airing.Growing up

I was always a fan of the underdog and I had this thing, in a completely straight way for David Steel and the Liberal Party. Of course, reality bites and I ended up growing up in Thatchers Britain. To be honest I was oblivious to the
rhetoric of the era but images of the Falklands and the Miners shaped how I thought due to my pubic years.
I then became hooked on the New Labour Project. It came to symbolize all I stood and wanted for in a modern Britain. I read everything I could.
Ideological policies and the real Third Way in politics. This was a natural
extension from the 92 Democrats and everything the men in grey suits of the Tory 90's stood against which was fine by me. I welcomed every
faux pas they committed, every scandal, every aspect of sleaze; back to basics was coming home.
The Blair,Brown,Campbell but particularly
Mandleson combination represented everything I thought I stood for. A week in
Benidorm was once made much easier reading Donald
Macintyre's brilliant book on the latter.
So to see the project at its knees is a massive shift in time for me. Brown for his abilities,passion,
intellect,his virtues in a
poisoned society just
doesn't seem to be working. He is set upon by the media principally because he is not media savvy ; this fact makes the heart sink that one notch lower.
Why has it gone wrong? Trends. People become tired of the same record. They seek change without knowing exactly what change is. David Cameron's
Conservatives, to give them there full ballot paper name, are the perfect example. Voters vote for what they
believe is right rather than what they believe in.
I once lived in a small mining village in Sheffield. If a man in a gorilla suit was the local Labour candidate then people would have voted for him because its all they knew. Now, if same man,same gorilla suit turned up with same red rose he would be lynched as though the local
paedophille was in town. Why? its still the same guy in the gorilla suit.......
I suspect we will push onto the conference season; will the collective will of cabinet hold? I wish Gordon well; he's a decent guy and for the record one of 13 prime ministers that went onto hold the post with their party being in power but without being subject to a general election. Unlucky 13 maybe.